JD, Amber & Asher

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Many Faces of Asher!

Okay, so I know I was really bad about posting pictures over the last couple of months (sorry), but things have been a little crazy here. For starters, JD did not get the job teaching in Yakima, so he has started the process of becoming either a border patrol agent or a DPS officer (highway patrol). I know what you are thinking... "Wow, that's quite a switch from teaching!". Yes it is, but JD wants a job that will finacially support our family (so I don't have to work), and I want him to have a job that he will enjoy. Both of these jobs are dangerous and they each have their pros and cons, but we are excited to see where God will lead us. Currently, JD has passed the written, oral, and fitness tests for the DPS, as well as the written, and oral exams for the border patrol (he goes in for the physical and fitness test on Wednesday). Please keep us in your prayers as we make this life changing decision.

Since I was so bad about putting up pictures fo my boy over the past few months, I decided to post a bunch of pictures that reflect a little about Asher's adorable personality. Hope you enjoy!!

Boys and Their Toys

Asher's Nana and Papa (my parents) are always buying "their baby" presents. Papa is so funny, because he always wants to buy him toys that are not quite age appropriate. Here are a couple of pictures of Papa and Asher playing with a remote control truck that Asher got a month before his 1st birthday. I think Asher is enjoying himself:).

This is a picture of Asher a couple of weeks later... He was so proud of himself, because he learned how to make it move by himself (kind of).

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Asher's Birthday Bash!!!

(Left to right: Nathan, Asher, Aiden, and Ellie)

JD Posting:

What a busy but a fun day. We had our first birthday party for Asher and his friends all showed up. Asher's and his cousins were so cute playing together. I made California Rolls, Amber made deviled eggs, my mom brought Korean pancakes that were assorted by beef, crab, and squid...(YUM!!!) I like them alot. Nanna and Papa brought the delicious fruits. The pine apples were excellent!!!Finally, my brother OP and Ellen brought the delicious cake. Asher was going to town with it. Asher's friends from church came to wish him a happy birthday too. Camille and Isabelle came and had a great time too.

(above: Camile, Isabelle, and their mom Jessica)

I made a t-shirt commemorating his birthday. Asher is texting his friends and my brother to buy him an IPOD. I wanted to way BYOB (Bring your own boobs) but my wife didn't like that idea so I changed it to BYOM (Bring your own milk).

We went with a dinosaur theme since Asher seemed to like the Dinosaur pinata (and it was cheaper than Sponge bob pinata)

(If you notice, the small dinosaur pinata is hanging on the light fixture)

Asher's Birthday Bash!!!

Asher had a great time with family, friends and his own personal cake!!! **WARNING. THIS IS MESSY**

Monday, July 21, 2008

Fun in the sun!

Asher loves swimming at his Nana and Papa's house! The pool has been so nice and warm since it's always over 100 degrees here in the summer. Enjoy these pictures of my pool babe:).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Books, Books, Books!!

I think it is so funny how much Asher loves books. It's not a very common pass time in our high tech society, and unfortunately I think the education system has turned most youth off to it with all the textbook readings. Still, Asher has loved being read to ever since he was born, and it remains to be one of his favorite activities. We probably read at least 5 books a day (often the same ones each day), and he will already "ask" me to read a book over and over again. Well, of course he can't actually ask, but he lets you know what he wants:). I keep his bedtime books by the rocking chair in his room, and I think it's so cute when he carefully balances himself in standing while trying to grab a book with two hands and then toddle over to me in the rocking chair! His favorite book recently has been "The Wheels on the School Bus", which is read in a sing-song voice. We shall see, but I believe his first word will probably be "book". Do any of you moms or teachers know of any books that Asher "just has to have"?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Changes all around

I can't believe how fast Asher is growing up; only about two more months until his 1st birthday! Everyday is so much fun as he learns new skills. It's so interesting to me how every baby develops in their own time and in their own way. I was so excited on the 9th of May because he finally started crawling a little; however, he took his first steps back in April and then on May 10th started bravely walking up 10 feet on his own. He has definitely decided not to follow the textbooks I studied so diligently in school. I was so proud of him on Mother's Day, because he learned to drink from a straw...yeah!! Okay, so I guess that's enough brag time for now.

JD just had an interview for a teaching position at Yakima Valley Community College yesterday and he felt like it went really well. Please pray that God would provide him with a job for next year, since his current position was cut from the school he's at now (those in Washington pray extra hard for Yakima if you want us back in state, and pray really hard against it if you want us to stay away:)). Also, please pray for him to find a summer job since school ends in about 2 weeks.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Asher was about a week old when we took this footage. He was so cute.

Daddy's Cap

He stole it while daddy was asleep...

Da Parks

Good to finally open up a blog to update what we've been doing. I hope we are able to update this site frequently. We currently are living in Surprise, Arizona. JD is a high school teacher at Peoria School District and I'm staying home most of the time with my bundle of joy (Asher) and working part-time as a home therapist.